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Wild Look in Bengals and Savannahs.

Early Generation Bengal with a "wild" look -  spotted legs and tail -  Open nocturnal eyes  - Look at how high the white comes up on the face, a sign that the "whited" tummy will stay longer than the first year or two, ensuring that "wild" look.
The "whited tummy" is often talked about in the Bengal and Savannah breeding world, but there is the domestic white, and the wild white which are two entirely different things.
The domestic white is a dead white which doesn't change.  However, the wild whited tummy is not so white in the daylight, but at night or when a light catches it the reflection of white is stunning.  The white tummy in the early gens can often appear to have a mauve or greyish tinge to it until that light catches it, especially when it is in darker light.


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