If young children are frequent visitors to your home cats/kittens should be more regularly wormed to ensure they don't have round worm - spot on treatments that prevent flea, worm, and ear mites are available and easy to administer. Remember spot on treatment is absorbed through the skin of cats/kittens, therefore it can also be absorbed through your skin - take care! wash hands and face immediately if splashes occur.
Mild stomach upsets in cats are not uncommon - a sudden change in diet, over eating, or an intolerance to a food not usually consumed can cause stomach upsets in cats. Starving for a short time and giving a bland diet for 7 days before transitioning back onto their normal food is recommended. Its important that cats should NOT be starved for longer than 24 hours and kittens NOT longer than 4 or 5 hours without contacting your vet for advice. Hairballs can also be a problem in some breeds of cats which can be a cause of digestive problems. Having owned Bengals since the year 2000 we have never had a hairball from one of our Bengals. Having owned Savannahs since year 2007, quarantined in our own cattery in 2008 and never had a hairball from any of our Savannahs, although Marguerites do produce hairballs as do many other breeds of cats. However, there may be more serious causes of acute stomach upsets in cats such as an intestinal obstruction, ingesting a toxic su...
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