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Showing posts from August, 2017

Marguerite Cats are for sale in UK

Marguerite Cats are FOR SALE - Purebliss Cattery have released 4 Marguerite Kittens available for reservation.  Marguerites are very special pets that will leave us neutered, vaccinated, microchipped, with their pedigree, and TICA paperwork, and insured for 4 weeks from day of departure. Marguerites are a rare breed bred down from a Sandcat - A Sandcat is a small desert dwelling cat found in the deserts of the world. They are bred to be an indoor cat only as they are not wise to the world, and are a very soft natured cat. They do not like to be on thier own and so we do not sell them to be an only pet. Below is an example of an F1 generation Marguerite (50% SandCat).


It is important that your cat/kittens has access to FRESH drinking water all day every day. This means FRESH from the tap or FRESH steralised bottled water or FRESH water from a fountain that has a clean filter. Water that has been left in a bottle or container over a couple of days is NOT FRESH - water is a fabulous place for breeding bacteria etc so please ensure that you use FRESH WATER at all times.

Drinking Too Much

Increased drinking is a common early sign of a range of diseases, so if you are filling up the water bowl more frequently than normal then its time to work out which pet is drinking too much and make an appointment with your vet. Excessive thirst can idicate diseases ranging from liver or kidney disease, to diabetes and other hormonal conditions including hyperthyroidism in cats and also include pyometra in entire female cats. Remember to ensure cats that eat dry food drink sufficient fresh water daily.


One of the best ways to spread virus, bacteria, and parasites is with your fingers/nails. Putting fingers /nails to the faces or noses of cats and kittens and then putting fingers /nails to the noses of other cats and kittens. It only takes once!

Poo Samples

POO SAMPLES Fecal Testing is something that is becoming more popular these days in order to minimise the use of chemicals in our cats and kittens - we test at purebliss in order to prevent the over use of wormers, and also to ensure any runny tummies are not a result of parasites or bacteria. However, please remember that the use of antibiotics in your cat or kitten can corrupt the results, and even give a clear reading when there is a parasite present. Therefore, in order to get a correct result ensure that the cat or kitten has not been on any medication, flea, or worm control before taking their poo sample to send off for examination.


Fertility in the Bengal and Savannah cats are often talked about in breeding. Bengals and Savannahs can be fertile as early as 5 month old, but can also take up to 2 to 3 years to become fertile, although its more normal for domestic female domestics to be fertile at 12 to 18 months, and male domestics to be fertile at 12 to 24 months. Once fertile this fertility can be interrupted due to stress or illness. Once a males fertility is interrupted it can then take another three months before fertility gets back to normal. If the stressful situation hasn't changed then the fertility may be limited in that environment. I once waited 3 years for two sisters to become fertile and then neutered one of the sisters, the other sister was to be neutered once she stopped calling but - 2 weeks later she was found to be pregnant! Stress triggers can be many things such as traveling, change of environment, winter months with the change of temperature and change of light, noisy parties, noisy ch...


Cross-contamination is something i'm often asked about from new breeders - below are some things to beware of if you have to isolate one of your cats or kittens in your home: Sweeping brushes are a major cause of cross contamination - do NOT use the same sweeping brush, brush and pan with your other cats and kittens that you use for a cat or kitten in isolation. Litter tray and poop scoops - do NOT use the same poop scoop for your other cats and kittens that you use for a cat or kitten in isolation. Even when using gloves - make sure you clean your hands or gloves thoroughly between contact from your other cats and kittens and your cat or kitten in isolation. When cuddling your cat or kitten in isolation, remember that your clothes will have whatever germs or virus on them after contact with your cat or kitten that is in isolation. Any wet food, dry food, water, or litter not used by your cat or kitten in isolation must be wrapped and thrown away - making sure that your o...

spot on treatment for your cats

If young children are frequent visitors to your home cats/kittens should be more regularly wormed to ensure they don't have round worm - spot on treatments that prevent flea, worm, and ear mites are available and easy to administer. Remember spot on treatment is absorbed through the skin of cats/kittens, therefore it can also be absorbed through your skin - take care! wash hands and face immediately if splashes occur.


Spaying female cats prevents unwanted pregnancies and a range of health problems associated with ovulation and the womb.  The castration of male pets can assist behavioural problems and help control pet populations.

Taking your new kitten home

When taking home your new kitten, a stimulating environment is essential to keep your kitten physically fit and healthy. Toys you can dangle for him/her to chase around - keep him/her busy and active with toys he/she can play with on his/her own, as well as lots of interactive games with you. Toys need to encourage natural behaviour such as hunting, running, pouncing, leaping, grabbing, and even biting. A cat activity centre is advisable for cats such as bengals, savannahs, Marguerites and Toygers. If you have a boisterous kitten punishment is never helpful as it can inadvertently reinforce behaviour.